Bulldogs, Boots & Bling
Four Ways YOU Can Help Wylie Students & Teachers
1. Buy tickets to the annual dinner on Oct. 24, and see country music singer Cory Morrow. We have a few tables left and some individual seats. Click on Dinner Tickets above.
2. Buy a raffle ticket for a chance to win a Louis Vuitton bag valued at $1,850. Tickets are $100, but only 100 will be sold, increasing your chances of winning. Click above to get tickets.
3. Buy a raffle ticket for a chance to win seats at a Dallas Cowboys game. We have two sets of tickets, so two names will be drawn. Click on the link above.
4. Bid on items in our online silent auction. The auction is now live. It will end on Thursday at 8 p.m. You do not have to be present to win. Keep bidding until the auction closes!

Thank You To These Major Donors For Supporting Wylie Students & Teachers

Dian Graves Owen Foundation
Becky & Jack Rentz

LeAnn & Dale Doby
Lisa Chavez
Cadco Architects & Engineers
Ascenda Security
Ezekiel Duke MD